Words of Wisdom

Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision.

-Muhammad Ali-

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I am writing to propose a critique of the Life Center Fee that is a requirement for the University of Hawaii at Hilo students to pay. After three semesters of studying here at UHH, I found that the Life Center Fee is a dilemma to students who are not assessing the facility but they are automatically paying the membership fee. The student’s main considerations are based on the amount of the fee and it is also a require payment for all students. The Student Life Center regulates the policy of membership and set a requirement fee in an amount of $78.
In general, the controversy aroused to the students of UHH of how they finances their education. The fee is very huge amount in this bad economic time and also the tuition is rising every single year. The most fortunate students are those who have scholarship and federal grant. Some of them are not facilitating within Student Life Center accommodations. It is not fair or just for a student to pay this amount without using it but others taking advantage of the money we paid.  
The problem most impacts on these categories of students; the non-residential students, non-financial aid students or pocket money for education, students who live far away from town, parental students, and students with double job and full-time. Today, we need a general will that will benefits the university as whole without needs of the few or individual interest.